Free Zoom CONTROL-EMUL8R Plugin 1.0 apps for Windows Mobile phone

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Zoom CONTROL-EMUL8R Plugin 1.0

Summary: Use the motion of your Pocket PC to move the zoom window around the screen in the program Zoom. Control the exact position of the zoomed window proportional to the tilt of the screen

Found under: Enhancements, Input, Enhancements, Screen


Arrived: Apr 12, 2005

Downloaded 881 times

Zoom CONTROL-EMUL8R Plugin 1.0 free download for Windows Mobile phone

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Zoom CONTROL-EMUL8R Plugin 1.0 Description

Made by: Developer e-mail

Use the motion of your Pocket PC to move the zoom window around the screen in the program Zoom. Control the exact position of the zoomed window proportional to the tilt of the screen. With the Zoom CONTROL-EMUL8R Plugin and a TiltCONTROL you can use the motion of your Pocket PC to control WinMobile Lens.

What is the CONTROL-EMUL8R Software?

CONTROL-EMUL8R is a program that runs on your Pocket PC, which allows you to control any application on your mobile computing device by tilting it in your hand.

The CONTROL-EMUL8R software uses the TiltCONTROL device to emulate either the stylus and the touch-pad, or the D-Pad to control any application. To control an application all you need to do is install the CONTROL-EMUL8R Plugin for the application that you want to use the TiltCONTROL to control. Then launch the application that you want to use, and plug the TiltCONTROL in. If there is no CONTROL-EMUL8R Plugin available for the application you want to use, you can either create your own using the Plugin Creator, or contact us at, and we will look into creating a CONTROL-EMUL8R Plugin specifically for the application that you are using.

Visit the CONTROL-EMUL8R Plugins section to view the latest available Plugins.

What is the TiltCONTROL? The TiltCONTROL is a small device that attaches to a Windows Mobile Device such as a Pocket PC or SmartPhone. The TiltCONTROL is able to detect the precise angle that the Mobile Device is being held at, and send this information to the attached Pocket PC or SmartPhone. By plugging the TiltCONTROL into any supported device you can control any application or game on your Pocket PC or SmartPhone by simply tilting the device from left to right or up and down. Use it to play games, scroll up and down the pages of documents or web pages, or flip the pages of an electronic book with the flick of a wrist. In addition to being able to control applications with motion, the following applications are also available, which allow you to do even more with the TiltCONTROL:

  • TiltMOUSE. A program which turns your Windows Mobile Device into a wireless mouse, which can be used in mid air, for your Personal Computer.

  • TiltDISPLAY for Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition. An application that uses the TiltCONTROL to determine what orientation the screen of your Pocket PC should be in, and instantly changes from portrait to landscape as you rotate the device.

  • V-TECH Vehicle Performance calculator. An application that uses the TiltCONTROL to measure the acceleration of your vehicle, and from this can calculate the performance characteristics of your vehicle such as 1/4 Mile performance, and display Horsepower and Torque curves.

  • TiltLEVEL. A program which runs on your Windows Mobile Device and and uses the TiltCONTROL to measure then graphically display the current angle that the PDA is being held at .

  • Pocket Pedometer. An application that uses the TiltCONTROL to calculate the number of steps the user of the Pocket PC or SmartPhone has taken.

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