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tGetFile.dll v5.0

Summary: Microsoft has provided a restricted File Dialog for Pocket PCs and Palm-size PCs. The dialog can open files only under the "\My Documents". tGetFile.dll is an alternative File Dialog which does not have this restriction. With tGetFile....

Found under: Utilities, Enhancement

  • Pocket PC / 2002 / 2003 / 5.0

Arrived: Apr 2, 2007

Downloaded 1,726 times

tGetFile.dll v5.0 free download for Windows Mobile phone

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(2 votes cast)

tGetFile.dll v5.0 Description

Made by: Tillanosoft

Microsoft has provided a restricted File Dialog for Pocket PCs and Palm-size PCs. The dialog can open files only under the "\My Documents".
tGetFile.dll is an alternative File Dialog which does not have this restriction. With tGetFile.dll installed, Tillanosoft PocketNotepad or such programs that support tGetFile.dll can pop up an alternative file dialog to open arbitrary files under any folder. Smartphone version is also available here. However, please note that tGetFile.dll provided from this page is available only for unlocked Smartphone devices. For locked Smartphone devices, use tGetFile.dll which is delivered with a compatible program, and has digital signature. Update Description:
- Windows Mobile 5 soft keys have been supported.
- A problem which added redundant file extensions when file extensions was displayed has been fixed.
- A problem with pressing OK button while editing file name has been fixed. tGetFile.dll returned previous file names in such cases.
- A problem in renaming into invalid file names has been fixed. tGetFile.dll closed its dialog box soon after displaying an error message when a user attempted to rename a filename into an invalid one.
- Landscape and portrait QVGA Windows Mobile Smartphones are now supported. tGetFile.dll resizes its edit box and so on for the resolutions.
- A border line of list box was not drawn in some case for QVGA Windows Mobile Smartphone. This problem has been fixed.
- Column width for file name list has been re-adjusted for QVGA Windows Mobile Smartphone. v4.3:
- File extensions are now optionally displayed via Options dialog box.
- Tool tips have been added to toolbars on Pocket PC versions.
- An SDK problem has been fixed. Specifying long extensions via SDK (lpstrDefExt) caused the extensions be cut to 3 character long.
- Initial column width for detail view on VGA Pocket PCs has been widened. v4.2:
- tGetFile.dll has improved compatibility with Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Pocket PC VGA mode. It now draws the separator line in appropriate thickness when it is called from hi-resolution aware applications.
- Hidden command (Ctrl+I) for showing the current version added. v4.1:
- Smartphone is supported.
- Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Pocket PC is fully supported including VGA screen and landscape layout.
- "Cancel" button is newly added. "Ok" and "Cancel" button on the menu bar in the bottom was removed.
- Folder names including periods (.) are now displayed including periods and extensions. Such names were displayed without extensions.
- New application interface for .NET CF programs is added. Now, .NET CF programs are able to use tGetFile.dll.
- The list view area is now a little bit wider than before, which eliminates the surrounding lines.
- Renaming a folder or a file now moves the folder/file line in the list box, in the case raising SIP hides the folder/file line, so that, the folder/file line will not be hidden by the raising SIP.
- A problem in opening renamed file has been fixed. tGetFile.dll opened the previous file name in the case the opening operation was performed just after the renaming operation. v4.0:
- GUI has changed to have more Pocket PC taste.
- Palm-size PC version has retired.
- File management functions such as creating a folder, renaming a file or folder, and deleting a file or folder have been added to the file dialog.
- Tap&Hold now functions at "Name" box of file dialog, and cut, copy and paste functions are now available there.
- Tapping OK while "Name" box is empty now behave as canceling.
- "Name" box can be hidden in tGetOpenFileName(), by specifying an option flag by application programs.
- A few other minor modifications have been made. v3.0:
- Internationalized. From this version, localization of tGetFile.dll could be easily achieved.
- OFN_PROJECT flag has been supported to browse for folders.
- OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS flag has been supported.
- File name body can now be returned unless lpstrFileTitle member of OPENFILENAME structure is NULL.
- A hook for obtaining the version of tGetFile.dll has been created.
- Control for automatic insertion of default extension given via a parameter of GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName added. The insertion would not be done if a user entered a name surrounded by double quotations (").
- Behavior of tGetFile dialog when OK button was depressed without giving any file name has been changed. It now refreshes the items of list view.
- Entering filename with '*' and/or '?' refreshes the file list using the filename as a filter.
- Shortcuts to folders are now always listed regardless of file filter.
- Warning has been added for invalid filenames with invalid characters.
- Duplicated '*.mpeg' items observed when PocketTV accesses to remote folders has been removed.
- Fixed icons for shortcuts on Pocket PC 2002.
- A few more minor modifications have been made.

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