Free Sudoku Solver v1.1 apps for Windows Mobile phone

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Sudoku Solver v1.1

Summary: This small application works on the Pocket PC platform and will generate sudoku puzzles as well as solve manually entered ones. Input a sudoku puzzle and click 'solve all'. The app will do the business for you. You can save or load sudoku's, as well as create random puzzle...

Found under: Games, Puzzle

  • Pocket PC
  • eMbedded Visual Basic Runtime

Arrived: Nov 21, 2005

Downloaded 2,498 times

Sudoku Solver v1.1 free download for Windows Mobile phone

Rating: 4.3/5
(3 votes cast)

Sudoku Solver v1.1 Description

Made by: Developer e-mail

This small application works on the Pocket PC platform and will generate sudoku puzzles as well as solve manually entered ones. Input a sudoku puzzle and click 'solve all'. The app will do the business for you. You can save or load sudoku's, as well as create random puzzles based on a difficulty slider. Update Description:
This a major change to the game. A full menu interface has been coded in, making room for a quick selection numberpad underneath the game grid. The game also plays as a wordoku game as well. New graphics and sounds included finish the polish on this game. Many new tweaks and improvements - read the readme for full details. The app has a full installer again, and the archive is quite large (1497kb) Installed on my HP IPAQ device it uses 664kb. v1.05:
Thanks to all who suggested improvements to the game. Now there is an options screen where you can select the colour scheme of the grid and you can choose from 10 sudoku grids to play on and save to. You can also put underlined numbers in selected cells as an indication of guesses until you are ready to commit to them or erase them. It also locks out the original game cells to the player, so they cannot be altered by accident. The check routine now reports on individual cells. I'm also packaging this differently. Now it comes as a zip with a setup wizard that should work through activesync to install on your device (well, it works on mine :) ) Consequently the zip is much larger. This is needed as I need to make sure that the options file and 10 sudoku grid files are installed in the same place as the app, otherwise it will give errors as it loads up. Feel free to suggest more improvements to the game, but as you can see I'm running out of space to put buttons at the bottom!! v1.04:
This is a major revision. The app makes instant Sudoku at 4 levels of difficulty, Easy, Moderate, Hard and Fiendish. It solves generated ones instantly too. Inputted Sudoku still take some time but the logic has been improved so it should solve more complex puzzles if entered. You can now make the original puzzle bold so you can see what numbers you have entered, and the game can give you hints if you are stuck completely to get you back on track. v1.03:
Sudoku Solver 1.02 had a very obvious flaw with the first cell. Now resolved. v1.02:
This release includes a check function for the current grid (please note this is just a rule-break checker, not a solution checker. There can be no rules broken in a fundamentally flawed sudoku that will not solve!). it removes the second creation method until a rewrite of the creator is done, and it introduces some easter eggs. v1.01:
This is an update to the Sudoku Solver. It fixes a bug with 2 of the cells and introduces a second method of creating puzzles, which is a work in progress but should create slightly more complex ones. Feedback on any further bugs and features is always appreciated. Thanks go to Ken Lynch for spotting the bugs in the old version.

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