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Summary: balance checker for mBank account (only in Poland)

Found under: mbank, account, bank

Windows Mobile Pocket PC 6.5 mBank account .NET Compact Framework 3.5 Unlocked device

Arrived: Jan 5, 2010

Downloaded 504 times

mSaldo free download for Windows Mobile phone

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mSaldo Description

Developer: Andrzej Stolarczyk

This small app checks balance for one of 4 accounts in mBank. Because mBank is avalible for polish users, mSaldo is only in polish language. mBank supports few channels to get some info. The SMS channel needs to be activated before you can use mSaldo. How it works? 1. Program sends an SMS with body: 1#Users_ID#Users_Pass_To_SMS_Channel to number +48601362265. (fee is like an normal SMS) 2. mSaldo waits for an SMS from mBank with balance info. 3. After that, mSaldo displays that info in his dedicated Titanium panel and removes the retrieved SMS. you can watch how it works :) Security: 1. Users ID and password are saved in system registry in a encrypted form. 2. If you don't like to save this data in the registry, you can write it always when mSaldo runs. 3. If this data is saved, entering to options need to be validated by SMS channel password. 4. If you're scared if someone can look at your balance on Titanium, you can choose to hide them after a selected period of time. 5. When the panel is condensed, it can display a sum of balance from all accounts. You can disable it if you don't like it. 6. The retrieved SMS is always deleted after mSaldo reads from it the account balance, sended SMS is not saved in send items.
Handling: [*] mSaldo supports this accounts: 1. eKONTO 2. izzyKONTO 3. eMAX 4. eMAX Plus [*] one retrieved SMS Installation: 1. Check if your device is unlocked 2. Install mSaldo in internal memory. 3. Wait for mSaldo panel configurator and choose where you like to add a new panel. 4. Run the configurator and enter user ID, password (you can disable saving these data in the registry) 5. Wait...

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