Free .NET VNC Viewer v1.0.1.17 apps for Windows Mobile phone

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.NET VNC Viewer v1.0.1.17

Summary: .NET VNC Viewer is a VNC viewer written entirely in C#. It is binary compatible with Smartphones, Pocket PCs and Windows desktops (with .NET Compact Framework or .NET Framework). I write this mainly because other VNC viewers on Pocket PC do not do full screen and screen rot...

Found under: Docs, Utilities

  • Pocket PC with .NET CF 1.0 or later
  • Smartphone with .NET CF 1.0 or later
  • Windows with .NET Framework 1.1 or later.
  • Other with .NET Framework or .NET CF

Arrived: Apr 25, 2007

Downloaded 18,041 times

.NET VNC Viewer v1.0.1.17 free download for Windows Mobile phone

Rating: 3.3/5
(7 votes cast)

.NET VNC Viewer v1.0.1.17 Description

Made by: Rocky Lo

.NET VNC Viewer is a VNC viewer written entirely in C#. It is binary compatible with Smartphones, Pocket PCs and Windows desktops (with .NET Compact Framework or .NET Framework). I write this mainly because other VNC viewers on Pocket PC do not do full screen and screen rotation. Features:
- Of course, basic VNC viewer functionalities.
- Full screen mode.
- Client-side scaling.
- Server-side scaling and single window mode.
- Screen rotation.
- Session history.
- Hi-Res support for VGA Pocket PC and QVGA Smartphones.
- Listen mode.
- Etc. Installation:
Just copy the exe to a directory on your device and execute from there. Update Description:
- Implemented listen mode.
- Added an option for Smartphone users to turn off mouse acceleration.
- Added an option for Smartphone users to choose the mouse speed after turning off mouse acceleration.
- For Smartphones with a QWERTY keyboard, now the lower case "p" and "q" keys should work as expected.
- More keys were added to the Keys menu (Esc, Tab, and Fn keys).
- Avoided an exception for some .NET CF devices with no connection manager.

- Server-side scaling and single window mode implemented.
- On a PPC or a Smartphone, now the viewer calls into the connection manager to initiate a network connection (e.g. GPRS) before connecting to the server. From now on the viewer is not P/Invoke-free anymore.
- Added an icon.
- Added an option for users to choose whether to update the screen ASAP or in a batch.
- Added a sample build script.
- Fixed a bug that would hang the viewer if the connection is terminated unexpectedly. v1.0.1.10:
- Client-side scaling implemented.
- Fixed a problem with Smartphone key input mode which prevents the viewer from going back to mouse mode after exiting extended input mode.
- For Smartphones, the back soft key is now backspace even not in key input mode.
- Improved the code for painting.
- Made adjustments to thread priority to provide a more responsive UI.
- Added "Shift Down" and "Shift Up" to the "Keys" menu.
- For Smartphones, added an option to send the mouse location to the server when the cursor is idle.
- Fixed a bug on Smartphones that would cause the right mouse button to not properly function after exiting full screen mode.

Download .NET VNC Viewer v1.0.1.17 free for Your Windows Mobile Phone
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